Sharon Thomas is wanted in by the DEA out of the Central District of California for conspiracy to distribute marijuana. She is 5'7" and weighs 120 lbs. She was born in 1970 in Clarendon, Jamaica and last resided in Rosedale, New York.
Sandra Clarke is wanted by the DEA out of the Southern District of Illinois for conspiracy to distribute marijuana. She is 5 foot five inches tall and weigh 170 lbs. She was born in Jamaica in 1960 and last resided in Kansas City, MO. Rewards are available at the discretion of the U.S. Marshals Service
Angela Orr was born in Kingston in 1972 and is wanted in the Southern District of California by the DEA for conspiracy to distribute marijuana. She is five feet two inches tall, weighs 135 pounds and has black hair and brown eyes. She was last living in Key West, Florida. Orr is considered armed and very dangerous.
l to r: Burnett Morris, Kevin Robinson, Gerard Dean Wright, Fiona Holness, Roisin Kelville, Dwayne Samuel
In marriage, most couples do everything together. For Burnett and Paulette Morris, this proved true. They were living like millionaires while profiting from a money laundering scheme in the United Kingdom, which were netting them millions.